facebook Ugrás a fő tartalomra
Directed by Kriszta Székely
Written by Imre Madách
Premiere 8 October, 2023
Duration 3 hours, with two intervals

 „People were the same 2000 years ago as they are now.


Humanity made itself what it is.


What is time?”

(Madách Imre)


In The Tragedy of Man, Madách invites us on a grand journey. He asks questions that are age-old to humanity, and finds answers that are sometimes uplifting, sometimes despairing. We, too, want answers, we want to know why we struggle, but we suspect that the Great Context can never be stated as a single, precise statement. We try and we fail, until our lives come to an abrupt end on an ordinary Wednesday afternoon. Adam and Eve are guided on their journey by Lucifer, sharing knowledge, but the deceptive notions of 'truth' and 'reality' fall apart around them again and again. My co-creators and I were motivated to read our national drama as a contemporary text and create a performance in which we do not bow before Madách's linguistic and dramaturgical bravura, but allow ourselves to associate, juxtapose, magnify, reframe themes, and to seek out the stages and defining situations of human life, rather than lining up historical tables. In other words, we invite those who are concerned with similar questions on a new journey.

Kriszta Székely


Madách Imre's dramatic poem and Ádám Nádasdy's prose translation were used by Ármin Szabó-Székely to create the performance text version.

The performance uses strong sound and light effects.

We offer a free introductory session related to the performance at every scheduled time starting at 18:15!

Next performances

3 november 2024

19 november 2024



Ádám Lengyel Benjámin, Elek Ferenc, Bezerédi Zoltán
Éva Mentes Júlia, Rezes Judit
Lucifer Pálmai Anna
God Szirtes Ági
Others Béres BenceBodnár ErikaGloviczki BernátJakab BalázsKanyó KataPásztor DánielRajkai ZoltánUjlaki Dénes

Programme guide
Sets, costumes Izsák Lili
Dramaturg, script Szabó-Székely Ármin
Music Csizmás András, Fodor Tamás
Choreography Vadas Zsófia Tamara
Video Török Marcell
Lights Juhász András, Pető Gergő
Assistant to set and costume designer Szabados Luca
Trainee costume designer Krausz Náda
Trainee set designer Karácsony Anna
Prompter Schaefer Andrea
Stage manager Valovics István
Assistant to director Tiwald György
Director Székely Kriszta

Kultura.hu - Pintér Laura
Élet és Irodalom - Herczog Noémi
24.hu - Bodnár Judit Lola
Népszava.hu - Balogh Gyula
Magyar Narancs - Kiss Annamária - előfizetéssel olvasható, vagy a nyomtatott lapban
Szinhaz.net - Ady Mária
Telex.hu - Aradi Hanga Zsófia
kutszelistilus.hu - Kutszegi Csaba
klarisujsag.hu - Földesdy Gabriella
Stuber Anrea napló
HVG -Szentgyörgyi Rita - előfizetéssel olvasható
Prae.hu - Balázs Bálint Tibor
Welovebudapest.hu - Fürdős Zsanett
Magyar Hang - Makrai Sonja


Bárány Bence, Batta Eszter, Brusznyiczki János, Dögei Mátyás, Elek Bea, Fodor István, Fórián Péter, Frankó Bence, Halász Attila, Kántor László, Kása Ádám, Kertész Janka, Kiss Bence, Kovács Bálint, Kovács Ildikó, Kulcsár Nóra, Makray Gábor, Masát Máté, Mészáros Gábor, Molnár László, Nagy Réka, Németh Ferenc, Ónodi Zsolt, Pap Miklós, Szabó András, Szabó Sára, Szakács László, Szalontai István, Szeberényi Lejla, Sziebert Sebestyén, Tóth Barbara, Tóth Bertalan, Tölli Judit

Special thanks to: Szputnyik Shop, Retrock.


Interjú Pálmai Annával - Kultúra.hu
Interjú Székely Krisztával - Népszava.hu

Interjú Mentes Júliával és Székely Krisztával - Színház Online
nepszava.hu - 2023-as összefoglaló