Ugrás a fő tartalomra

Information and purchase

As a member of the Friend’s Circle, with the help of a personal contact person, you can have priority regarding ticket purchase, attend private events, and have other discounts. What is more, you contribute to the artistic work of Katona as well!

Buy membership for season 2024/2025
(former members need new registration)

Log in

What are the advantages of the Friend’s Circle of four levels?

We provide priority regarding ticket purchase for our members, therefore they can get tickets easily for popular performances like The Dead of the Káli Basin and God, home, family or The Caucasian chalk circle. In addition, they receive a 10% discount for tickets to our performances. They can also attend exclusive meet-and-greets with the creators of our popular performances..

Our supporters can also attend exclusive events, exclusive talks about the premiers, and can enjoy the services of the theater with the help of their personal contact people..
We offer even more programs for our maecenases, like the possibility to attend a rehearsal of one of the plays in progress, and inviting them to our guest performances abroad. In addition, they can request a pair of complimentary tickets for any performance of the season at a time of their choice.

We aim to thank the Maecenas+ group, our most generous friends with a piece of Katona both literally and in a figurative sense for supporting our theater: we give them an object from one of the plays of the last three decades as a present. Additionally, they can attend our season opening- and closing meetings to get an insight into the inner life of the troup and to find news of Katona first-hand.

Members Supporters Maecenases Maecenas+
Newsletter for the Friend's Circle Yes Yes Yes Yes
Booking tickets Online, email Online, email and phone Online, email and phone
Online, email and phone
Discount for buying tickets (10%)  20 plays/season 40 plays/season 50 plays/season Unlimited
Possibility of buying tickets on the basic price (before the start of dynamic pricing)   Yes Yes Yes
20% discount in kantin:
Yes Yes Yes Yes
10% discount in ficak: Yes Yes Yes Yes
Presenting name on our website among supporters (optional) Yes Yes Yes
Priority in buying tickets (after the Supporters, Maecenases, before the rest of the audience) Yes
Exclusive meet-and-greet Yes Yes Yes Yes
Personal contact person Yes Yes Yes

20% discount on parking at Franklin Parking House (Reáltanoda u. 5.,+3613280960) by showing the card

Yes Yes Yes
Priority for booking seats for the open rehearsals Main stage Main stage and Kamra Main stage and Kamra
Exclusive "conferences" for the premiers of the season Main stage Main stage and Kamra Main stage Kamra
Online hozzáférés az ankétok felvételeihez   Main stage Main stage and Kamra Main stage and Kamra
Priority of ticket purchase   Yes Yes Yes
Complimentary tickets for the premiers of the season 2 plays - Main stage 4 plays - Main stage, Kamra, Sufni
Festive drinks with the creators after the jubliee performance Yes Yes
Exclusive rehearsal attendance for our plays in progress Yes Yes
Travel to the guest performances of Katona abroad (until there's enough spots, on their own costs besides the ticket)      Yes Yes
Attendance of our season-closing reception Yes Yes
Attendance of exclusive guided tours at Szépművészeti Múzeum/Magyar Nemzeti Galéria Yes Yes
Attendance of a city tour of Hosszúlépés - Járunk?  Yes Yes
A piece of Katona: an object from a former play Yes
Attandance at the season opening and closing meetings Yes
Attendance of the season closing lunch       Yes
Membership fee per season, until 31 July 30 000 HUF 70 000 HUF 220 000 HUF 1 250 000 HUF
Membership fee per season, from 1 August 40 000 HUF 85 000 HUF 275 000 HUF 1 250 000 HUF


Purchase of of Friend's Circle membership

Purchase in person:

Katona József Theater / Audience Service Office
1052 Budapest, Petőfi Sándor u. 6.
Phone: 266-5200, 317-4061

Purchase online:

1. Register or log in on our website

2. Choose the level of membership by clicking on Pártolói kör/Friend’s Circle!

3. You can pay the fee immediately via bank card.

4. After that, the membership activates automatically, so the ticket booking- and purchase of the Friend’s Circle becomes possible.

5. From this point you can get the membership-card anytime at the Audience Service Office.

Useful information

- membership of the Friend’s Circle is valid for one season
- in case of losing the membership card, you can block the old one and buy a new one at the Audience Service Office. It costs: 1000 HUF
- Katona József Színház Nonprofit Kft. provides information about the theater’s programs and the service by using personal data (name, phone, email, address) and its elements in case of the “Friend’s Circle 2024/2025” service. Data processor: Jegymester Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. (1065 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 31., Fővárosi Bíróság Cg. 01 09 369537). Period of processing the data: 18 months. only individuals can be members of the Friend’s Circle. If you would like to support our theater as a company, you can find detailed information on the following link:
- The theater has the right to exclude members in case of abuse of rights regarding the membership, by causing harm to the operation of the theater and its employees, or to the reputation of the theater.