Ugrás a fő tartalomra

The owner of the website is Katona József Színház Nonprofit Kft.

Address: 1052 Budapest, Petőfi Sándor u. 6.
Phone: 318-6599
Fax: 318-3952

Responsible publisher: 
Responsible editor: Lajos Kocsis, Communications Manager

Portraits: Dáneil Dömölky
Photo of the troup: Bertalan Soós


Information about the data processing and data protection policy of Katona József Színház Nonprofit Kft.


Complaints and notifications of public interest

Katona József Színház Nonprofit Kft. is a nonprofit company, owned and reserved by the Fővárosi Önkormányzat (Municipality of the capital, Budapest). Based on the 2013./CLXV. act regarding complaints and notifications of public interests, our audience has the following options for complaints and notifications of public interests, either in writing or in person:

Főpolgármesteri Hivatal Központi Ügyfélszolgálat
Budapest, V. kerület, Bárczy István utca 1-3.
Mailing address: 1840 Budapest