Ugrás a fő tartalomra
Directed by Lilla Kizlinger
Written by Zsombor Aurél Bíró
Premiere 25 April, 2024
Duration 1 hour 20 minutes, no interval

Written by Zsombor Aurél Bíró based on the improvisations of Vivien Rujder and Bence Béres.


We want to be successful. We chase after the glitter and the spotlight, dreaming of a world where our own face looks back at us from every direction, and where we hear our name even when no one is speaking. Our most remarkable ability, however, is to easily fool ourselves. We forgive ourselves for every sin; after a little regret, a bit of self-flagellation, we always manage to dispel shame. At least we can see beyond our own noses, which comforts us, and we believe that self-reflection or art, for which we even sacrifice our human integrity, will eventually absolve us.

The performance was created as part of the Sufni-project mentor program.


Production company of the film: 235 Productions

The creation of the performance was supported by: Szia+ Adománybolt, Bar Bizarre, Kraft Rental, Daige, Tabán Art Mozi, Zoom Casting, Club-Mate, Zun Store, Kisüzem, Budapest Film Zrt., Koller Virág, Artim Rebeka, Kormos Zsófi


Songs played in the performance: 

Lil Frakk,Sisi - Tsingling
Li Ci,KollArp - oué
KollArp - Red17

Next performances

31 january 2025


11 february 2025


14 february 2025


21 february 2025


10 march 2025

17 march 2025

28 march 2025




Lujza Rujder Vivien 
Marci  Béres Bence



Frigyes  Gigor Attila 
Andris Baki Dániel 
Filmrendező Kizlinger Lilla 
Casting director  Fátyol Hermina
Színésznő a castingon Péterfy Bori
Zeneszerző Fekete Giorgio
Újságíró Varga Feri

Furthermore: Noll Batek Kristóf, Janesch Péter, Radványi Dorka, Váradi Gyula Gábor, Janisch Attila, Vető János, Podmanicki Emma, Maróti Lili, Borda Eszter, Moksony Milla, Halom Emma, Wéber Soma, Kovács Blanka, Meister Nikolett, Dreissiger László, Vajdai Vilmos, Magyar Ricsi, Schneider Mónika, Szuromi Matyi

Producer Dreissiger László
Production producer Meister Nikolett
Creative producer Vajdai Vilmos
Set design Tasnádi Zsófia
Costumes Pattantyus Dóra 
Camera operator Nagy Zágon
Film editor Hegedüs Csenge
Sound engineer Balogh Péter
Light-sound Balázs Krisztián, Rigó Zoltán
Scriptwriter Biró Zsombor Aurél
Assistant to director Tóth Judit
Director Kizlinger Lilla


Makeup Kovács Viktória 
Hairdressers Vörös Anett 
Gaffers Benedek László, Szuromi Matyi 
Camera assistants Nagy Bálint, Magyar Ricsi 
Dresser Schneider Mónika
Builders Domahidy Veronika, Szili Enikő
Local sound Mogyorósi Kristóf
Production assistants Hegedüs Anna, Kovács Blanka
Choreographers Halom Emma, Moksony Milla

KútszéliStí - Szekeres Szabolcs

HVG - can be read with subscription


Török Marcell, Fodor István, Fórián Péter, Kiss Bence, Szabó András, Mészáros László, Kántor László, Pap Miklós, Ágoston Béla, Hűgel Katalin, Mucsi Gábor, Kovács Ildikó, Kulcsár Nóra, Elek Bea, Batta Eszter, Domahidi Veronika


Interjú Béres Bencével és Bíró Zsombor Auréllal - Pótszékfoglaló - ajánló