Ugrás a fő tartalomra
Directed by Jakab Tarnóczi
Written by Jakab Tarnóczi and Zsófia Varga
Premiere 16 December, 2022
Duration 2 hours 55 minutes, with intervals

Family gathering

based on Gerhart Hauptmann's play


For months, the God, Home, Family team and I have been thinking about what to work on together this time in the Kamra, how to continue our work together, and what were the lessons learned from the previous production. We decided that it would be worthwhile to continue working on family stories. We also think it's important to give the newest and youngest members of the company some kind of acting role, so that we can have a valid discussion with them about the dilemmas of our generation.

This time we chose a play by one of my favourite playwrights, Gerhart Hauptmann, which has never been performed in Hungary. The drama has never been played in Hungarian before, but we have a fresh rough translation by Soma Boronkay, and we are working on our own script based on it. The rich material, which is over a hundred years old, is perfect for us to restructure it based on improvisations and our own experiences, adapt it to the actors and create our adaptation.

The subject of this experiment is a sensual portrayal of a Hungarian family and four young men just starting their independent lives, during a few days of tension at the end of summer. The story basically traces the stages of the conflicts that arise from the closeness of six people. It is also an attempt to make audiovisual effects as important in the performance as the spoken dialogue.


Jakab Tarnóczi

Next performances

1 march 2025


25 march 2025


29 april 2025



Csaba Rajkai Zoltán 
Márta Pelsőczy Réka 
János Lengyel Benjámin 
Kata Tóth Zsófia 
Barna Béres Bence
Anna Mentes Júlia
Raw translation Boronkay Soma
Set design Devich Botond
Costumes Giliga Ilka
Dramaturg Varga Zsófia
Music composer Bencsik Levente, Hunyadi Máté
Lights Pető Gergő
Sound Wirth Tamás
Head of stagehands Tóth László
Video Török Marcell/Nagy Réka
Prompter Schaefer Andrea
Assistant to director Tóth Judit
Director Tarnóczi Jakab

Lénárt Gábor -
Bóta Gábor -
Gergics Enikő -
Herczog Noémi - É
Balogh Gyula - Népszava
Kutszegi Csaba - Kútszélistí
Stuber Andrea naplója
Sümegi Noémi -
Gabnai Katalin Facebook bejegyzés


Tőzsér Gábor, Botka Zoltán, Papp Gergő, Pető Sándor, Szakmár Róbert, Fekete Balázs, Bíró Tádé, Nedár Barnabás, Ignácz Éva, Gáspár Viktória, Pintér Mária, Szeberényi Lejla, Kelecsényi Bernadett, Tamási Anna, Szívós Tamás, Wéber Edina, Döbrönte Zsófi, Hidi Boglárka, Mészáros László, Kántor László, Csermák Zoltán

Special thanks to Balázs Papp and "Atlantisz Könyvsziget", Réka Neszmélyi, the Club-Mate Hungary Kft, the TOMCSANYI, the DAIGE, the Zsigmond Dora Menswear, the Lunar, the Szigetmonostor Trinity Parish and Benjámin Pestaltits.

Press - 2022. legjobb előadásai

Interjú Tarnóczi Jakabbal a
Interjú Pelsőczy Rékával a
