Our first premiere of the month is Our lives, here on the 11th of October in Kamra. The play is the stage adaptation of Lajos Jánossy's novel Eternal Place and Time Everywhere, directed by Gábor Máté, working together with the writer.
Gloviczki Bernát, Dankó István, Kocsis Gergely, Ónodi Eszter, Elek Ferenc, Kanyó Kata, Pálmai Anna, Szirtes Ági, Lengyel Benjámin, Takátsy Péter, Rajkai Zoltán
Set design | Khell Zsolt |
Costumes | Kovács Andrea |
Dramaturg | Török Tamara |
Music | Monori András |
Lights | Baumgartner Sándor |
Director of chorus | Szabó Móni |
Prompter | Boncza Anita |
Assistant to director | Fejes Vera |
Director | Máté Gábor |
Our next premiere is Radical Relax on the 12nd of October, written and directed by Jakab Tarnóczi on the main stage.
Bányai Kelemen Barna, Béres Bence, Mentes Júlia, Pásztor Dániel, Rezes Judit, Rujder Vivien, Vajdai Vilmos, továbbá Bencsik Levente és Hunyadi Máté
Dramaturg | Hámor Anna, Varga Zsófia |
Lyrics | Kemény Zsófi |
Set design | Devich Botond |
Costumes | Pattantyus Dóra |
Choreography | Cuhorka Emese |
Music composer | LEVIMATE |
Video | Kovács Bálint, Nagy Réka, Török Marcell |
Prompter | Schaefer Andrea |
Stage manager | Valovics István |
Assistant to director | Molnár Dóra |
Director | Tarnóczi Jakab |