facebook Ugrás a fő tartalomra
Directed by Júlia Bagossy
Written by Kertész Imre
Premiere 23 February, 2024
Duration 1 hour 15 minutes, with no interval

Adapted on stage by Júlia Bagossy based on the novel by Imre Kertész

Imre Kertész, a 15-year-old child is taken to a concentration camp, and because of a miracle, or to become one of the most important philosophers of the survivors of the Holocaust - he returns. According to his own explonation, his faith in the world and the imperturbable trust of being a child helped him along the way. In his biographic novel, his protagonist tells a story of the final escalation of a dark, hateful system and the world around it through the states of identification. Today, when populism flourishes again, and we can meet less and less survivers, we found it an extremely important artistic and educational challange to adapt Fatelessness on stage.

Next performances

20 october 2024


31 october 2024


13 november 2024

23 november 2024





Gloviczki Bernát, Jakab Balázs

Visual Balla Hanga e.h.
Dramaturg Zrinyifalvi Eszter Anna e.h.
Assistant to Dramaturg Mandák Emese
Choreography Horkay Barnabás
Lights, sound Rigó Zoltán
Assistant to director Tóth Dorka Berta
Programleader, Behívó Végh Ildikó
Director Bagossy Júlia 

jo.444.hu - Bódog Bálint
Színház.net - Czabala Zsófia
Kultúra.hu - Szekeres Szabolcs
Revizoronline - Keszte Bálint

Magyar Narancs - Kiss Annamária - the full article can be read either with subscription or in print
Pótszékfoglaló - Csatádi Gábor


Interjú Gloviczki Bernáttal és Jakab Balázzsal - Pótszékfoglaló
Interjú Gloviczki Bernáttal és Jakab Balázzsal - Színház Online
hvg.hu - Balla István
RTL híradó - Lázs Sándor