Dante continues his journey from the mountain of Purgatory to Paradise, and as he traverses the landscapes of the afterlife - and of course the labyrinths of the soul - he becomes more and more familiar not only with the world, with the structure of the world, but also with himself. Perhaps less adventurous than the journey to Hell, but no less dramatic, are Purgatory and Paradise: the meeting of Dante and Beatrice, long-awaited lovers, is an unexpected twist. Dante poses the fundamental questions of existence again and again, and the answers to them become ever more beautiful, ever more complex.
Dante: Purgatory-Paradise debuted on Gellért Hill in August 2022: since Dante's work is full of darkness, night, stars, dawn and light, Hell was performed at sunset and Purgatory-Paradise at 5 a.m., at sunrise; the "backdrop" of the performance was the darkening and then lightening sky, and the city below. In the black box of Sufni, the spectacle was replaced by a beautiful and vivid Dantean text translated by Adam Nádasdy.
Next performances
12 february 2025
23 march 2025
Performed by
Gyabronka József |
The text of the performance was compiled by
Török Tamara |