Ugrás a fő tartalomra
Directed by Kriszta Székely
Written by Ferdinand von Schirach
Premiere 13 December, 2024
Duration 2 hours 40 minutes, with one interval

"The Theatre (the play) is always in reality a Court, where the characters raise accusations, defend themselves, complain, report mitigating circumstances, and try to convince the audience. The audience is the jury."

(Hélène Cixous)


Katharina Schlüter, a television presenter, starts an affair with Christian Thiede, the CEO. After their breakup, the woman accuses her former lover of sexual assault. In the criminal trial, accusation confronts denial. The woman says this, the man says that. What happened between the two? And what can be proven?


Ferdinand von Schirach's new, almost documentary-like courtroom drama examines an alleged sexual assault case and through it discusses the social roles of men and women, the #metoo movement, the contradictions between media publicity and privacy, law and justice, without becoming ideological or demagogic. It does not pass judgment, but presents everyday reality to us. It touches on the defining social issues of the past decade in the Western world and does not tell us what to think about them. It simply says: let's think about it!



The production is produced with the permission of Gustav Kiepenheuer Bühnenvertriebs-GmbH, Berlin and Mayer-Szilágyi Theatre Agency, Budapest.

Next performances

25 february 2025


5 march 2025


18 march 2025


23 march 2025


31 march 2025


21 april 2025

22 april 2025

27 april 2025



Katharina Schlüter, aggrieved party Ónodi Eszter
Presiding judge Udvaros Dorottya m.v.
Biegler, attorney of the aggrieved party Kocsis Gergely
Breslau, defender Pálmai Anna
Christian Thiede, defendant Fekete Ernő
Heise, senior pulic prosecutor Takátsy Péter
Pia Altstedt, psychological expert Pelsőczy Réka
Valeria Maiburg Jordán Adél
Frauke Reuther, criminal chief investigator Fullajtár Andrea
Martin Laux-Frohnau, forensic medical expert Rajkai Zoltán
Paul Marotzka, taxi driver Elek Ferenc
Forensic intern Wettstein Márk e.h.
Programme guide
Set design Schnábel Zita
Costumes Pattantyus Dóra
Dramaturg, translator Szabó-Székely Ármin
Music Csizmás András
Lights Pető Gergő, Bárány Bence, Mészáros Gábor
Sound Masát Máté
Video Török Marcell
Camera operators Török Marcell, Kovács Bálint
Editor Nagy Réka
Prompter Boncza Anita
Stage manager Héricz Anna
Assistant to director Tiwald György
Director Székely Kriszta
Reviews - Varga Zsuzsa

Népszava - Balogh Gyula

Jelen - Enesey Diána

Revizor Online - Puskás Panni - can be read with subscription - Cseh Andrea Izabella

Deszkavízió.hu - Ráth Orsolya

Pótszékfoglaló.hu - Csatádi Gábor - Szekeres Szabolcs - Bóta Gábor

Mezeinéző.hu - Makk Zsuzsanna

É - Ilosvai Eszter - Farkas Éva


Batta Eszter, Bíró Tádé, Brusznyiczky János, Gilles Dieng, Elek Bea, Fodor István, Fórián Péter, Frankó Bence, Hűgel Katalin, Kamuthy Maja, Kása Ádám, Kiss Bence, Kovács Ildikó, Krasznai Mátyás Mihály, Kulcsár Nóra, Makray Gábor, Szabó András, Szakács László, Szalontai István, Szeberényi Lejla, Tóth Barbara, Tóth Bertalan, Tölli Judit


Special thanks to: Dr. Bakó Judit, Dr. Bátki Pál, Dr. Bencze Mátyás, Dr. Galajda Ágnes, Dr. Gyalog Balázs, Nagygyőr Csilla, Oláh-Paulon László, Dr. Péterfi Vera, Tóth Györgyi

Press - A nő ezt mondja, a férfi azt - akkor mi az igazság? - Interjú Székely Krisztával - can be read with subscription - Interjú Ónodi Eszterrel

RTL Híradó: Udvaros Dorottya 30 év után visszatért a Katona József Színházba!

Pótszékfoglaló.hu - Interjú Ónodi Eszterrel

Marie Claire - Interjú Székely Krisztával

Szabad Európa - Interjú Székely Krisztával