On 20 April 2023, as part of the Sufni project mentoring programme, the premiere of Wolfram Lotz's The Politicians will take place, directed by Balázs Dohy.


Wolfram Lotz is one of the most important contemporary German theatre writers. His post-dramatic text, The Politicians, is a race of associations: a rhythmic repetition of words and fragments of sentences, sometimes hypnotic, sometimes humorous, sometimes suddenly turning into a tragic sordid tale.
Incredible gibberish? Noise? The dramatic and entertaining textual monster is about language inflation, loss of meaning and the truth lost in a swirling sea of words.


Balázs Dohy


On 21 April, we will present Stanislas Ignacy Witkiewicz's drama The Water Hen, directed by Sándor Zsótér.


The Water Hen is an expressive, surreal, and later absurd, while at the same time being completely ordinary. Light and witty, it pulls down to earth ideas thought to be profound. They accept with very little wonder the most absurd things from a realist point of view. It is mischievous and sad. Generational conflict, family, the meaning of life, love, death, loneliness, money, revolution - the whole world is in it, like a sphere.


Sándor Zsótér


Finally, on 22 April, Chekhov's Cherry Orchard will premiere on the main stage, directed by Jakab Tarnóczi
The production is based on a translation by Géza Morcsányi.


The Cherry Orchard is a cruel symphony in twelve movements. It is a symphony about the traumas of the past; about the difficulties and helplessness of the present; about questions of the future, about the end of an era.


"Change is here, it's coming, it's coming closer. And if we don't see it, if we don't have a part in it, what's wrong with that? Others will see it!"


All three performances are part of the Budapest Spring Festival, in collaboration with Budapest Brand.