Ugrás a fő tartalomra
Directed by Balázs Benő Fehér
Written by Boris Vian - Kornél Laboda
Premiere 15 December, 2023
Duration 2 hours 30 minutes, with one interval

I can work on the most complex novel of one of my favorite writers with one of my favorite theater troups. These people are obsessionists. I mean the characters of the novel. Something pushes them towards devastation. Love, sex, repressed desires, the hatred of their profession, the love for their hobby, and to map something, the oppress someone, getting wasted next to someone, airplane models. Just not what we have. Just not the way it should be.


Neither Vian did that nor that way. Freely. With absurd humor. Fondly the grim. Primarily entertains himself while writing. He plays. With words, situations, the form, the structure. Every character is a little bit a parody of itself, the situations are superheated variants of their real relatives. Enlarges, exaggerates, scalds, freezes, shakes, kneads and molds. Don't take anything seriously from what you're going to see. We will. It is so stupid to build trains in the middle of a desert. To fall in love with the girlfriend of my best friend. To be a hermit. The work that could be done by a machine. Or the work that couldn't be done by one. To kill a biker. Not to cure a chair. Am I asking?


Balázs Benő Fehér


We use a stroboscope in the performance.

We use strong sound effects in the performance.

Next performances

26 january 2025


27 january 2025


5 february 2025


26 february 2025


9 march 2025

14 march 2025

26 march 2025




Elek Ferenc, Kocsis Gergely, Koós Boglárka m.v., Rujder Vivien, Takátsy Péter, Tasnádi Bence, Vajdai Vilmos, Vizi Dávid, Biró Kristóf e.h., Molnár András e.h.

Adaptation Laboda Kornél, Komán Attila, Fehér Balázs Benő
Set design Horváth Jenny
Costumes Szakos Kriszta
Dramaturg Komán Attila
Consultant Szabó-Székely Ármin
Music Józsa Tamás
Sound Horváth József
Light Pető Gergő
Prompter Schaefer Andrea
Assistant to director Fejes Vera
Director Fehér Balázs Benő

Makk Zsuzsanna -

Rosznáky Emma -
Gergics Enikő -
Molnár Zsófia - É - reklám megnézése után olvasható
Kutszegi Csaba -
Bóta Gábor - Népszava


Tóth László, Pető Sándor, Szakmár Róbert, Tőzsér Gábor, Botka Zoltán, Papp Gergő, Ladányi Katalin, Fekete Balázs, Nedár Barnabás, Wirth Tamás, Ignácz Éva, Gáspár Viktória, Pintér Mária, Szeberényi Lejla, Kelecsényi Bernadett, Tamási Anna, Kenyeres Boglárka, Kántor László, Pap Miklós, Mészáros László, Takács István, Hűgel Katalin, Seprűs Holly, Kiss Bence

Special thanks to Ádám Fekete for lending two of his scenes.


Interjú Horváth Jennyvel -
interjú Fehér Balázs Benővel és Rujder Viviennel - Színház Online

Ajánló -