Ugrás a fő tartalomra
Directed by András Dömötör
Written by András Dömötör and Bence Bíró
Premiere 17 September, 2021
Duration 3 hours 45 minutes, two intervals

Written by András Dömötör and Bence Bíró based on the novel by János Térey


A zombie apocalypse is brewing in the Kali Basin. The former inhabitants of long-gone villages are rising from the graveyards and invading the picturesque countryside, breaking into cutting-edge gastronomic establishments and organic farms: the new Hungarian series Káli Holtak (The Dead of Kali Basin), starring young star actor Alex Csáky, will be filming all summer. In a guest appearance at the Füst Milán Theatre in Rome, he will have to put back the time out of joint as the title character in the production known as Hamlet of Trianon. Then the season starts, new rehearsals begin - "always the fucking rush". And Alex bites at life, the roles, the successes, racing higher and higher until, at the top, he's dizzy in the abyss watching him.

"Suddenly there's the looming abyss to the left, I step onto the windswept Keleményes cliff. I shuddered to realize what power must have been at work here. I could see the lava fountains roaring, hear the crackling of branches, the crash of stones hitting the ground, and the maddening heat. For five million years. No man yet. And then the whole valley is covered in smoking debris. I wish I could be like that. Scorching and irresistibly advancing. And that's the mark I should leave. To blend in. Hide, and come to pasture all at once."

János Térey bumped into a billboard of the TV series Fear The Walking Dead while on holiday in the Káli Basin. This and his experiences at the National Theatre Festival's Jury were the inspiration for his latest novel.


The performance is recommended for children over 16.

Due to special seating arrangements, latecomers will not be admitted.

The performance uses strong, flashing light effects.

Next performances

29 january 2025


30 january 2025


7 february 2025


28 february 2025


13 march 2025

30 march 2025




Csáky Alex Tasnádi Bence
Other roles Rujder VivienFullajtár AndreaBán JánosElek FerencTakátsy PéterDankó IstvánMészáros BélaVizi Dávid
Sets Dömötör András, Kálmán Eszter, Szöllősi Géza
Costume Kálmán Eszter
Costume producer Böhm Katalin
Video, cameraman Török Marcell
Cameraman Kovács Bálint
Editor Nagy Réka
Dramaturg Bíró Bence
Consultant Perczel Enikő
Music Vranik Krisztián, Vajdai Vilmos
Light Lohár Antal
Sound Wirth Tamás
Prompter Schaefer Andrea
Assistant Fejes Vera
Director Dömötör András

Klárisújsá - Földesdy Gabriella
Népszava - Marik Noémi - Csáki Judit - Pikli Natália - Gabnai Katalin - Szekeres Szabolcs
Magyar Narancs - Rádai Andrea - Gergics Enikő - a teljes cikk a reklám után elolvasható


Tóth László, Bokor László, Papp Gergő, Botka Zoltán, Tőzsér Gábor, Pető Sándor, Balogh Attila, Kormány Kristóf, Nedár Barnabás, Horváth József, Ignácz Éva, Gáspár Viktória, Pintér Mária, Szeberényi Lejla, Kelecsényi Bernadett, Tamási Anna, Kántor László, Mészáros László, Pap Miklós, Méreg Mariann, Hűgel Katalin

Külön köszönet Verebélyi Tamásnak és Váczi Katalinnak.


Nyugati tér blog - Dömötör András írása

Interjú Tasnádi Bencével  -