Photo by Dániel Dömölky

Theatre and film actress. She has been acting at Katona since 2007. Her previous work at Katona is Casemates, Trout Quintet, Tales of Commonsense Insanity, Playground, Macbeth, Christmas at Ivanovs, The Talisman, Barbarians, The Trachinae, The Last Night of Carnival,”rombolni nem színházat építeni szívesen”, Tales from the Vienna Woods, The Triumph of Love, Lieutenant Meller, Ivanov, Two-Headed Beast, Sirens' Song, The Philosopher, Bump, Carnival, Arms and the Man(The Hero and the Chocolate Soldier), Nordost, The Philistines, Flowery Hungary. 

Current performances include Gypsies (Szidike)Backward (Ancsa), Martyrs (Lydia Weber), Judgement Day (Anna), Behind The Glass, Light-eaters (Liza), Petra von Kant.

She has appeared in film works.