We believe, with all due respect, that Kirill Serebrennikov’s home detention is an unjustified and unnecessary measure, which annihilates his identity as a free-thinking artist and prevents him from publicly defending himself. We therefore urge the Russian authorities to release him immediately and to ensure the utmost degree of transparency in the development of the case.

Signed by the members of mitos21, representing:

ADK Baden-Württemberg (Ludwigsburg), Berliner Ensemble (Berlin), The Bridge Theatre (London), Deutsches Theater (Berlin), Dramaten-Royal Dramatic Theatre (Stockholm), Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus (Dusseldorf), Katona József Theatre (Budapest), National Theatre (London), Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe (Paris), Republique - Østre Gasværk Teater (Copenhagen), Royal Danish Theatre (Copenhagen), Schauspielhaus Zürich, Teatre Lliure (Barcelona), Theatre of Nations (Moscow), Thomas Bernhard Institute - Universität Mozarteum (Salzburg), Toneelgroep Amsterdam.

August 2017