Directed by Gábor Máté, the play tells the story of Sunny, who was born in rural China, her parents leave her in a slop bucket to die because she's a girl. She survives, and at 14 leaves for the city, where she works a low-paying factory job and attends self-help classes to improve her chances at securing a coveted office position. When Sunny's attempts to pull herself out of poverty lead to dire consequences for a fellow worker, she is forced to question the system she's spent her life trying to master - and stand up against the powers that be.

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The World of Extreme Happiness | Alexandra Borbély, Blanka Mészáros | photo credits: Dániel Dömölky

Hangmen by acclaimed wrtiter and director Martin McDonagh was premiered 18 March. The play, directed by Péter Gothár, is set primarily in Oldham during 1965] and centres around the abolition of the death penalty in the United Kingdom.

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Hangmen | photo credits: Dániel Dömölky