Photo by Lenke Szilágyi

Theatre and film actor. Zoltán Rajkai is the member of Katona’s company since 1993. His previous works at Katona include The Key, Tales of Commonsense Insanity, Commedia dell’Arte, The Great Sganarelle and Co., Casemates, Tonight We Improvise, Danton’s Death, The Laughing Man, Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Silent Partner, Yvonne, the Princess of Burgundy, Pericles, The Tempest, Walpurgis-night, Tartuffe, The Revenge, The Hour We Knew Nothing About Each Other, The Idiot, Animal farm, Barbarians, ”rombolni nem színházat építeni szívesen”, The Wild Duck, Dilettanti, Ivanov, Girl, in Garden, Sirens' Song, Bump, Two-Headed Beast, Rattledanddisappeared, Board of Trustees, Pinocchio,  Flowery Hungary.

Current performances includeTop Dogs (Mark),  Gypsies (Mr Kukac), Our Class (Menachem), Summerfolk (Don Mauro), Judgement Day (Gendarme), Illaberek, M/S.

He has appeared in TV and film works.