Photo by Dániel Dömölky


Theatre and film actor. Tamás Keresztes is the member of Katona Theatre since 2004. His previous works at Katona include Csongor and Tünde, Attack, Motel, Mr. Puntila and His Man Matti, Wonderful Sound Making a Bolt, Turandot Public Bath, Troilus and Cressida, The Way of the World, Bikini Line, Casemates, A Sexual Congress, Macbeth, Black Battles with Dogs, 2077, ”rombolni nem színházat építeni szívesen”, Dog Waltz, Hunger, The Wild Duck, Life is a Dream, Dilettanti, Ivanov, What's this Sound?, Girl, in Garden, Bump, Rattledanddisappeared, Woyzeck, Pinocchio, Anamnesis, Judgement Day.

Current performances include  Gypsies (Dani), Portugal (Bece), An enemy of the People (Citizen), IllaberekWhere Even the Woolf Is Good, Waiting for Godot (Lucky), The Reunification of the Two Koreas.

He has appeared in film works.